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Healthy Stuff

The best food is fresh, natural and without labels.

Learning to prepare and eat to best nourish your body is fun and delicious!

Let me help you eat well for your body, reach your goals and live a healthy life that embraces and enhances your well-being

Rehydrate with Aloe Vera

Rehydrate with Aloe Vera, easy to make and delicious, here's how click here


If you do choose to grow your own aloe vera and harvest it for the gel and juice, remember to:

  • Cut your leaves close to the stalk, as most of the beneficial nutrients are found at the base of the leaves.

  • Place the leaves in a jar (cut side down) to drain the aloin (the yellowish latex substance) unless you’re planning on using it

  • Wash and dry the leaves

  • If you’re planning on using the aloe for your skin, you can scoop the gel out with your fingers (or a sharp object) and apply directly to your skin.

  • You can also squeeze out the gel once you’ve trimmed the prickly edges of your leaf

  • Depending on the size of your aloe plant, 3-4 leaves should leave you with about ½ to ¾ cup of aloe vera gel.

  • Cut the aloe gel into slices or cubes and refrigerate them ASAP

  • If you aren’t planning on using your leaf right away make sure to refrigerate it as well​​​


To get more great tips, subscribe to my Youtube channel here​​

Aloe Vera
"Organic is always a good option"
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